Why I Work with My Clients as a Team

I work with my clients as a team.As a seasoned creative working with small and mid-size organizations, my goal is to spell out client value in a big way, and that has to be driven by my clients’ goals.

My clients are my partners.

I’ve been part of many awesome teams that created effective work we’ve all been proud of. The mission is always to create the best tools for my clients to use to communicate and market to their clients and customers.

To do that, we need to determine which tools are the most useful and appropriate, and that means getting input and direction from those who will actually USE the tools in the trenches. Theoreticals only go so far.

True creativity solves problems using the right tools.

Understanding which tools are needed is essential to marketing and communicating effectively. Working as a team guided by the client’s business goals is the best way to arrive at solutions that check all the boxes for customer engagement, creativity, clear communications and good design.

Active listening is the critical component that makes this work.

I believe successful creative work is rooted in fully engaged listening. Those who approach it primarily from an aesthetic point of view miss the mark. Creative work has to be so much more than pretty pictures – it has to work hard for the goals of its owner, the client.

All teams need focus, know-how and follow-through.

Working together, the team of Client + LBCD defines, creates compelling content that is based on client goals, not just aesthetics. Whether these goals are simple or complex, marketing and communication tools need to get the desired results. The most expensive marketing tools are the ones that don’t work.

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